Monday, February 27, 2017

Residence in North Danville

Note: No pictures or house numbers for residences will be used to respect the privacy of the homeowners.

Former residents of a home in North Danville reported strange experiences for the entire time they rented the house. 

At the time, the young couple were living together before their marriage. They rented the house that the man's great-grandmother used to live in.

One closet door in the house always opened by itself, even though the door closed completely and there was no problem with the latch. After the couple got married, the door stopped opening by itself. They joked that it was the husband's great-grandmother, who was expressing her dismay about the couple living together before marriage. 

After the couple had their first child, a girl, the baby would stare at the same closet door when put in the baby swing. This made the couple uneasy, so they turned the swing so that the back would face the closet door. However, the baby would turn herself around in the swing to stare at the closet door. 

The wife would often come home at night and open the door to hear people talking. The first time this happened, she thought she had left the TV on when she left, but the TV was off. This happened so often that when she came home and heard people talking, she would go back to her car, baby in tow, and wait at her mother's house until her husband got off of work. 

The couple never felt threatened but were relieved when they moved. 

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