Friday, February 24, 2017

Pritchett Auditorium at Averett University

Another place on Averett's campus that is rumored to be haunted is the newly renovated Pritchett Auditorium.

A former student and staff member told me a story of the time she was working on a project as a theater student years ago. She was in the auditorium alone, and she witnessed a chair slide across the stage. The chair was backstage and moved by itself into the center of the stage. She said it didn't scare her, but it definitely made her aware of the presence there.

Another student shared about the time she was looking at the auditorium from Danville Hall and saw a shadow run across one of the windows she knew no one would be passing by.

A theater student mentioned that the lights in an office would turn on and off, even though they were motion activated, and no one was in there at the time.

While I'm not aware of the story behind this haunting, it's clear that several students have experienced something strange in the auditorium.

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