Sunday, February 26, 2017

Residence in Forest Hills

Note: No pictures or house numbers for residences will be used to respect the privacy of the homeowners.

Owners of a home in the Forest Hills neighborhood are sure their house is haunted after experiencing prolonged paranormal activity. 

A family of four, a couple and their two daughters, did not realize that everyone had witnessed strange occurrences until they talked about it years after moving in. 

A few members of the family have seen a man in a blue shirt pass a window that looks into the backyard. Sitters that cared for an elderly family member would ask if anyone had come home during the day because they would hear footsteps and movement upstairs. 

One resident woke up in the middle of the night to a chair turned toward her bed like someone was watching her sleep, with her dog barking and growling at the chair. 

The family believes the house may be haunted by the man who built it. The parents also think that their daughter's use of an ouija board was the cause of increased paranormal activity.

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