When my mother was a teenager, there was an urban legend about a brick tomb that was built on a church property on Laniers Mill Road to memorialize a murdered family.
According to the legend, there was a house nearby the church in which a family lived. One day, the husband locked his family inside and set the house on fire, killing everyone, including the dogs. The wife's mother had this tomb built as a memorial to her daughter and grandchildren.
The legend said that if you went to the tomb and sat on it, around midnight you would hear the dogs barking first, then the kids screaming, then you would smell the smoke. If you stayed long enough, the man would come to get you too.
My mother went to the tomb once with her friends. She said right around midnight, they heard dogs barking, and that's all they needed to run back to their car and leave. They were in such a hurry that they accidentally kicked a brick out of the tomb.
Today, the entrances to the church parking lot are always roped off so random cars may not enter the parking lot. However, the tomb is still accessible by foot if brave souls want to try their luck at getting scared.